Growing older can be a period of wonderful peace, relaxation, and devotion to what is most important in your life. It can also be a time of incredible stress and uncertainty, especially as the cost of long-term care increases. If you don’t have a solid asset protection plan in place, or your plan is several years old and is missing some key information, it is a good idea to learn as much as you can about what you could be facing as you age. Luckily, there is help out there.
At Safe Harbor Wills & Trusts in Watertown and Syracuse, we have dedicated our legal practice to helping people prepare for any number of possibilities and eventualities. Our lawyer has the skills and knowledge that will help you make the right decisions for your individual circumstances. Best of all, we offer free educational workshops in the area that can help explain some of the common pitfalls that people encounter, as well as ways to avoid them. Every attendee also receives a free evaluation and consultation that will provide even more specific information that can help inform the choices your make. Read on to learn more about these workshops or reserve your spot today.
Learn About Your Options
One of the most valuable parts of our asset protection workshops is the amount of knowledge that we impart to each attendee. These workshops discuss the definitions of asset protection, why protection matters, and how to ensure that what you have worked so hard for is not taken away from you as you age. Our years spent helping people plan has given us an unparalleled level of experience that can translate into great savings and a sense of comfort that you might not otherwise have.
Speak With An Attorney
Every attendee who comes to our asset protection workshops also receives a free evaluation and consultation with our attorney. During this time, you can discuss what your concerns are, the steps you’ve already taken to protect what is yours, and ask questions. We do this so you can decide for yourself whether or not you need more help. If you do, we would be happy to set up an appointment to further discuss and put a plan into place that will protect your assets. The consultation and evaluation is a $750 value that we give to you for free because we want to help make sure that everyone has the coverage and protection that they need. We have seen just how bad things can get for people who aren’t prepared and we do not want that to happen to anyone else.
We have helped hundreds of people over the years with these workshops and we know that we can help you, too. Reserve your spot now or give us a call if you have a more pressing elder law emergency or you need help drafting a will, creating a trust, or need help with Medicaid. Our offices in Syracuse and Watertown make it easy for you to visit us whenever you need an appointment.