Elder Law Attorney Watertown
Elder law emergencies can be extremely difficult to navigate without the proper legal help. At Safe Harbor Wills & Trusts in Watertown, our attorney has dedicated himself to providing the best possible legal services during these difficult times. Read our blog to learn about some of the basics of elder law, then contact our office to set up a consultation. We can help you write or update your will, create a living well, appoint a health care proxy, and help you find the best ways to pay for emergency and long-term care. We also offer asset protection services, which are an important part of planning for your future.
Business Distancing
April 9, 2020
What a whirlwind the last 2-4 weeks have been. It is hard to believe that I was in Florida for a conference and some family time with my parents just a bit over 1 month ago. We knew about Covid19, but no one thought we would be here. So, what is Safe Harbor doing to … Continued

Correcting Misconceptions About Your Assets And Medicaid: Part Two
April 3, 2018
In our last post, we discussed one of the ways which people think they can help themselves qualify for Medicaid — giving away their money to friends and family. While it is true that the IRS allows you to give away money with no negative tax repercussions (up to $14,000 per year, to as many … Continued